About Me

Hi there 👋, welcome to Thivyanth Venkateswaran’s Profile Page!

About Me | 🔗 thivyanth.github.io/about

Hello! I’m Thivyanth Venkateswaran, a 3rd-year engineering undergraduate at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), specializing in Machine Learning.

My CV/ Resume: 🔗 thivyanth.github.io/cv

I’m deeply engaged in research with a focus on:

  • Agentic AI & AI Alignment
  • RL Decision Making & Planning
  • Generative AI
  • Generative Policy
  • AI Reasoning
  • Continual Learning
  • Open World & Lifelong Learning

I’m always looking to collaborate on projects and research that push the boundaries of AI and ML.

My Work | 🔗 thivyanth.github.io/portfolio

I undertake various ML research projects and have been involved in some competitions and research projects. Some highlights of my work include:

  • Participation in the RoboDrive Competition (ICRA 2024), where I focused on robust multi-modal BEV 3D object detection.
  • Research on optimizing diffusion models for downstream tasks using reinforcement learning under the guidance of Prof. Biplab Banerjee.

For a detailed overview of my projects, publications, and etc., look around my website.

Let’s Connect

I’m open to academic collaborations and industry partnerships that leverage AI to solve real-world problems. If you’re interested in working together, please reach out through my website where you can also find more information about my past work and future endeavors.

Thank you for visiting my profile!